Our Platform

The Williamson County Republican Party is one of the most active parties in the state and captures the conservative heart of Tennessee.

We exist to facilitate events and dialogue among Republicans across Middle Tennessee. We stand proudly with the national GOP in its mission to limit government and preserve individual liberty, free markets, traditional values, and a strong national defense.

Our local programs include community outreach, education, and get-out-the-vote efforts to help elect Republicans in Williamson County and throughout the state of Tennessee.

Our Mission

  • Recruit and elect Republican candidates to office on the national, state and local levels
  • Raise funds for Republican campaigns and in support of Republican causes
  • Recruit membership and involvement in the WCRP
  • Assist the Tennessee Republican Party, the Republican National Committee in carrying out their purpose
  • Promote awareness of the Republican Party Platform on public policy issues and foster good citizenship in general
  • Increase the effectiveness of WCRP members in the cause of good government through active political participation

Franklin, TN

The WCRP County Executive Committee has sent changes to our chapter bylaws to the state executive committee for their review and approval. Until they are approved, we are operating under the TNGOP bylaws.

TN GOP Bylaws

Our Partners

The Williamson County Republican Party has three official auxiliary GOP groups in the county. The leader of each club is a voting member of the WCRP Executive Committee.

Republican Women of Williamson County

Republican Women of Williamson County are a group of like-minded conservative women who get together to discuss issues, volunteer for candidates, and help our community where we can. Our goal is to educate the women and men of Williamson County about the state of our country and its leadership. We have members of all ages which give us an array of ideas and views.

President: Debbie Ballard
Meeting times: 11:00am, 4th Wednesdays of the month
Location: Old Natchez Country Club

Williamson County Republican Career Women’s Club

The Williamson County Republican Career Women’s Club was chartered in January 1992 and is noted for the annual Red, White & Blue event in June along with their annual holiday event held in December of each year. We are affiliated with the Tennessee Federation of Republican and the National Federation of Republican Women. Our by-laws are set to follow theirs.

President: Sherry Anderson
Meeting times: 7:00pm, 2nd Thursdays of the month
Location: Brentwood Pointe II Clubhouse

Williamson County Young Republicans

Williamson County Young Republicans is an active group of young conservatives and politically-interested individuals, ages 18-40, who enjoy socializing together, networking, and talking about the latest local and national issues.

President: Nathan Beck



[email protected]

130 Seaboard Lane, Unit A-9 Franklin, TN 37067
