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2025 WCRP Reorganization Results

(FRANKLIN, TN) – The Williamson County Republican Party held its biennial reorganization convention to elect its County Executive Committee (CEC) officers on March 04, 2025, at the Marriott Cool Springs Conference Center.

Qualified voters elected Stephen Hickey as chairman over District 12 County Commissioner Brian Clifford.

Qualified voters elected Diane Chenard as first vice chair over Ali Adair. It is a second consecutive Board term for Chenard, former CEC secretary.

Qualified voters elected Elliott Franklin as second vice chair over Drell Floyd. It is a second consecutive Board term for Franklin in that role.

Qualified voters elected Courtney Laginess as third vice chair over Patti Carroll. It is a second consecutive Board term for Laginess, former CEC treasurer.

Qualified voters elected Tim Raynaud over Michelle Sutton as
treasurer. It is a second consecutive Board term for Raynaud, former CEC assistant treasurer.

Qualified voters elected Brandon Bell as assistant treasurer over Stevie Tyler Giorno. It is a second consecutive Board term for Bell, former CEC third vice chair.

Qualified voters elected Leigh Ann Cates as CEC secretary over Kimberly Calcote.

Qualified voters elected Peg Raciti as assistant secretary over Rob Verell.

Past CEC Chairwoman Debbie Deaver led the convention’s Contest and Credentials Committee (CCC), per Tennessee Republican Party (TRP) bylaws.

TRP Chairman Scott Golden presided over the reorganization.

Voters used hand-marked paper ballots, counted by Williamson County Election Commission (WCEC) equipment.

Clifford asked for a hand recount of the chair vote total. Members of the State Executive Committee (SEC) proceeded under the supervision of the contestants. The outcome was a net three votes for Hickey, minus one vote for Clifford.

The event set a record for a TRP county party reorganization convention with 1,555 votes cast.


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