
2025 Williamson County Republican Party Reorganization

WC GOP Convention

Williamson County Republicans,

Pursuant to the Tennessee Republican Party By-Laws, please see the details of the meeting and election below:

The WCRP Reorganization Meeting will be held:

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Franklin Marriott Cool Springs

700 Cool Springs Blvd

Franklin, TN 37067

Time: Doors Open at 4:30pm, Registration closes at 6pm. 

Eligibility to Participate:

Under Tennessee Republican Party Rule E, Section 5, only bona fide Republicans will be allowed to vote.

To qualify as a bona fide Republican, you must:

a) Be a registered voter in Williamson County, and

b) Have voted in at least three (3) of the last four (4) most recent statewide Republican primary elections in which you were eligible to vote, or

c) If you are a younger Republican who has not been of voting age for three primary elections, you must obtain prior approval from a majority of the State Executive Committee (SEC) members who represent a senatorial district in Williamson County.

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged to ensure eligibility. Anyone failing to pre-register who is determined not to be qualified under TRP Rule E will not be allowed to participate in the reorganization meeting.

Voting is in-person only. You must attend the convention to vote.



Filing for County Party Leadership Positions:

Any bona fide Republicans interested in running for any of the County Party leadership positions must submit their name and contact information (Name, address, phone number, and email) to the County Chairman at least seven (7) calendar days before the Reorganization Meeting.

Nominations will NOT be allowed from the floor for any of the positions.

Qualifications for County Party Leadership (TRP Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 5):

A. County Party Chairman:

Must be actively involved in the Tennessee Republican Party, the Williamson County Republican Party, or any recognized auxiliary organization of either.

Must reside and be registered to vote in Williamson County.

Must have voted in the last three (3) statewide Republican primaries in Williamson County.

Younger Republicans who have not been of voting age for three primary elections must obtain approval from the Tennessee Republican Party Chairman.

B. Other Voting Officers (as defined in the County Party Bylaws):

Must be actively involved in the Tennessee Republican Party, the Williamson County Republican Party, or any recognized auxiliary organization of either.

Must reside and be registered to vote in Williamson County.

Must have voted in three (3) of the last four (4) statewide Republican primaries in Williamson County.

Younger Republicans who have not been of voting age for three primary elections must obtain approval from the Tennessee Republican Party Chairman.

For more information, you may contact County Chairman Dr. Tracy Miller at [email protected] or Contest and Credentials Committee Chairwoman Debbie Deaver at [email protected].

The members of the Contest and Credentials Committee are:

  • Debbie Deaver, Chairwoman
  • Judith-Ann Ward
  • Jennifer Luteran
  • Roberta Swank
  • Moonhee Bischoff
  • Laurie Bouchard